<aside> 💡 Envelope is an Art & Writing Magazine featuring creative work from UCLA's International Student, Scholar, and Staff community.
Welcome! When you open Envelope, you find poems, creative fiction, opinion pieces, digital art, drawings, paintings, and photography. The hope for this magazine is that it provides a platform for international students, scholars, and staff, both at UCLA and UCLA Extension to share their unique perspectives with the extended campus community and beyond.
Since transitioning to a remote environment, we've paused our accompanying program Art & Writing Collective which met biweekly and served as a place for international students to express themselves creatively, build community, and make friends. We look forward to re-starting the group in person when it is safe to do so. In the meantime, if you are a student organization or interested campus partner, please reach out if you would like to collaborate along these lines. Email: [email protected]
We are truly impressed with the work shared inside Envelope and hope that you enjoy this digital version of our publication.
Deadline: 5/14/2021
Access our very first Art & Writing Magazine at the below link:
I'm constantly inspired by the nature. Plants in the desert are all striving to thrive in their own ways. Even the dead ones are displaying their strong determination to survive. This is the power of life and the power of nature.
[Image Description: A photo of a desert plant with red flower blooms and blurred blue sky in the background.]
[Image Description: A desert cactus with blurred blue sky in the background.]